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Video to help book passes online for classes

We are trying our best to help people understand the new booking system which, believe it or not, is designed to make booking easier, rather than more difficult to do!

Classes are now booked individually, rather than in courses, to allow more flexibility for our clients.

However, you are now able to book a pass which gives you six sessions (or fewer if bank holidays involved) to use as you wish in a six week block.  This gives you the discount we have always given for course/block  bookings, as opposed to the slightly more expensive one-off class rate.

If you are regularly attending a class currently, you will have been given a pass code to your class to allow priority booking for one week before the booking is open to everyone.  This is to give you time to book what you want.

We apologise that so many of you have found the booking process difficult to do!

It will become easier the more times you do it – so, next time will be a piece of cake! (perhaps we need to provide some!)

We have made a short video to talk you through.  Ingrid has kindly agreed to demonstrate!

(Please note that the video doesn’t show asking for a password as it was done on the Viney Hall system, but you will be asked.  This is the code Lyn sent you for priority booking)

If you are still having problems, give us a ring tomorrow morning, or any morning this week.